
Submission Method

Please log in the Online Submission System; ( .pdf only) to submit your full paper or you can submit directly via email


Submissions will be reviewed by the conference committees and external reviewers, accepted papers of AETS 2024 will be published as a volume of the Springer book series: Lecture Notes in Educational Technology. This book series is abstracted and indexed by Scopus, ACM Digital Library, INSPEC, SCImago, etc.

Note: For those who're NOT looking to publish their papers, it's acceptable to submit your abstracts to the conference, which will be sent to at least two techinical committees for a brief review, and it will take about 10 working days.

Please follow the required format when preparing your paper or abstracts. Full papers submissions should be with at least 8 pages.
Download Full Paper Template (.doc)       Download Full Paper Template (.tex)      Download Abstract Template (.doc)

Paper Page Limit

AETS encourages long paper submissions. Each full paper submission should be with no less than 8 pages, and 20 pages at most.

Policy on Plagiarism

Plagiarism and self-plagiarism are strictly prohibited. Submitted papers will be checked for plagiarism. If plagiarism is discovered, the paper will be rejected or removed from the program and all authors will be reported to their affiliations.