Call for Papers

Authors are invited to submit full papers describing original research work in areas including, but are not limited to:

Technological Issues in Education: e-Learning, Mobile learning: Phones, Tablets, Apps for education, Blended Learning, Web classroom applications, Online/Virtual Laboratories, Classroom and Laboratory: Integration, Managed Learning Environments (MLEs), Learning Management Systems (LMS), Technology-Enhanced Learning, Industry and Business Innovation, Identity Management, Augmented Reality, Cloud Computing, ICT skills and competencies among teachers, ICT enhanced language teaching and learning

Computer Supported Collaborative Work : Collaborative Virtual Environments (CVEs), Virtual Learning Environments (VLEs), Web 2.0 and Social Networking: Twitter, Blogs, Wikis, Social Media in Education, Experiences in Web Technologies in Education, Training the e-trainer

Educational Software and Serious Games : Educational Software experiences, Experiences in Educational/Serious Games, 3D Applications and Virtual Reality, Videos for Learning, Gamification